

Looks like a  tiny petuniagrows and flowers at an amazing rate. Has colorful, cascading accents in containers or hanging baskets, along walkways. Available in blue, orange, pink, purples, red white and yellows. Summer and fall blooms. Good for containers.


Full season of color. Large, 4-5″ blooms burst open a bright red, and as new ones appear every day, the older ones change to a rosy-red then a softer still rose. Offer you an armful of cut flowers all season long. Blooms Summer and fall. Good for containers
Full Sun • Deer Resistant • Attracts Birds


Gold, orange, salmon and mahogany flowers arise from compact plants with attractive variegated foliage. Flowers and tender young leaves. Summer and fall boom. Colors Orange, pinks and red. 6 inches to 3 feet in height
Deer Resistant • Attracts Birds • Drought Tolerant

Blue Lobelia

Great for rock gardens, trailing pots, edging, and containers. One of the best edging plants. Intense dainty, cobalt blue flowers, 1/2″ across, cover compact plants continuously until frost.
Part Sun • Shade • Sun

Blue Marguerite

Yellow-centered blue or white daisy. Provides a wonderfully long season of bloom with very little attention. Excellent for borders, rock gardens or mass plantings, containers.
Part Sun • Full Sun


Like a tiny petunia grows and flowers at an amazing rate. These extremely vigorous plants make for colorful, cascading accents in containers or hanging baskets, along walkways, and on garden walls. Height under 6 inches
Full Sun


Produces daisylike flowers throughout the summer in shades of red, pink, or yellow. The blooms are generally 8-petaled and tooth-tipped, standing 9 inches to 3 feet high on wiry stems. The foliage is lance-shaped or thread-like. Resistance to drought, moisture, pests, and disease. Good in containers, borders, or large drifts.
Full Sun


Striking upright spires, or the crested type with its fascinating twisted form. Flowers are beautiful fresh, but they can be dried easily if hung upside down. And they bloom in the striking colors of a glowing sunset.
Full Sun

Flowering Kale

Add a fresh burst of color and life to the fall landscape. Leaves come with beautiful variations in pinks, purples, and reds that blend beautifully with changing autumn foliage. Plant it in spring or in the fall.
Part Sun • Sun


Standard for beds, borders, and container. Love hot weather and hold up well to dry conditions; many offer colorful foliage. Bloom early, continue all summer to frost. Uniformly large flower heads up to 5″ across. Excellent for containers and sunny gardens.

Gerbera Daisy

Huge blossoms and sturdy stems, the ultimate cut flower. While these flowers aren’t typically grown as in-ground plants, new breeds of gerbera daisy are container-friendly. Available in a variety of colors. Blooms spring, summer and fall
Sun • Attracts birds